
Showing posts from July, 2018

fc To accept two numbers and display their sum.


List two rules of logical operator.

Two rules of logical operator are as follows. i) The output of the logical AND operation is TRUE if Both the logical expressions are individually TRUE. ii) The output of the logical OR operation is TRUE if either or the logical expressions is TRUE.

What is a string operator? Write operator symbol for the string operator

The joining of two or more strings is called concatenation of string. The string are connected by the string operators which is the plus sign (+).

Define Logical operator with two types.

Logical Operators combine two or more relational expressions to evaluate a single value as True (Non Zero) or False (Zero). The result of evaluation is used to make decisions about the program flow. The commonly used logical operators in QBASIC are AND, OR and NOT. It's any two types are as follows: a)AND b) OR

Define relational operator with two examples.

Relational  Operator are used to compare to values two values of some type either both numeric or both string. A comparison of sting data with numeric data cannot be done. The comparison of sting data is done on the basis of ASCII value. The result of comparison is either true (non zero) or false (zero). Two example of relational operator are < and >.

Define arithmetic operator with two examples.

Arithmetic  operator are used for various mathematical calculation . Arithmetic operators performed such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation. A numeric expression is any collection of operators and operands. Two example of arithmetic operators are + and -.

Define Keyword? Give two examples.

Keywords are specific words that are reserved as programming language commands. This words may only be used for their intended purpose some of the keywords of QBASIC programming are REM, INPUT, PRINT etc.

What is syntax?

Syntax  is a set of rules that must be followed when constructing a program. Syntax tell us how keywords and operators may be used. Forgetting a space or a small spelling mistake will make the Qbasic to produce “syntax Error” message and step program execution. 

Define Variable. Give two examples.

Variable refers to a storage area whose contents can vary during processing. All the variables are created in the memory of the computer. The data store can change during the execution of the programs. Two example of variable are as follows. i) preetam2 ii) preetam$

Define Variable. List two properties of variable.

Variable refers to a storage area whose contents can vary during processing. All the variables are created in the memory of the computer. The data store can change during the execution of the programs. Two properties of variable are as follows. i) Any variables name may be up to 40 character long ii) Can’t contain characters other than letter, number and types of declaration character ($, %, #, & and ?)

What is character Set? Give two examples.

QBASIC character set is a set of valid character that a language can recognized. Character includes alphabetic, number and special characters.  Two example of character set are $ and <.

Define QBASIC. List two elements of QBASIC

QBASIC  is a high level computer language published by Microsoft. QBASIC environment includes a full screen syntax checking, multi-file and multi-facilities, full-pull-down menus, syntax checking editor and a simple yet a power full menu structure that can be drive through either by the keyboard the mouse. list of two elements are as follows. A) Characters Set B) Constant

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